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Sensemaking Out Loud
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There are no back seats in Sensemaking out Loud. The sessions are done either in person or virtually. It's a team experience where everyone rolls up their sleeves and contributes to the creative combinations and novel perspectives on what-is, what-if, and what-might-be

Sensemaking Out Loud (SOL)
Weaves New Realities into High-Impact Opportunities
Case Example: Sensemaking Out Loud™ in Practice

Two years into Covid-19, the world has been through a lot of changes, innovation has landed a central position in every business strategy. How does Unispace continue innovation endeavor to get ahead of clients’ needs? How might  they lead the next era of workplace design?


Watch the Unispace team, along with clients and colleagues, engage in the Sensemaking Out Loud™ process, focused on the Future of Workplace. The sprint begins with Burning Questions, includes reflections of emerging trends in the Wind Tunnel, brings fresh combinatorial insights in the Metaphor Room, and ends up in the Test Kitchen and the Campfire where corporate leaders frame Challenge Statements for Unispace to tackle through subsequent cycles of the innovation process.


If you have not had a recent intense, structured possibility thinking session, then we recommend Sensemaking Out Loud. This workshop requires full engagement and participation in person or virtually. 


Through a series of hands-on sessions designed to activate creative expression, uncensored ideation, imagination, intuition and pattern recognition we answer your most pressing and challenging questions.


Sensemaking Out Loud brings co-creation to the NEXT level through active immersion in future realities and committing to brave bold new actions. It is an original innovation process developed to translate diverse new realities and emerging trends into well reasoned actions. It combines elements from three realms that formulate the foundation of the discipline: 


  • Analytics - data, facts, technologies, trends

  • Creativity - design thinking

  • Future - signals, visions for what might  be, insights into where things might be heading

We appreciate your interests, please email us at for more information.

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